Sports Talk: Swimming, time management and empathy with Charlie Broe
Students and young professionals are facing barriers, uncertainty, biases, and changing priorities as they navigate the school to work transition. Their collective stories have inspired me and now I want to share these stories with you.
On today’s episode we are going to continue the journey with Sports Talk where my invited guests will share how being an athlete has helped them to propel their skill building, their mindsets and their futures. “Sports Talk” also helps us understand the hurdles and barriers some athlete’s face while being in school, participating in sports and trying to balance the transition into the workplace.
Now let’s meet Charlie. Charlie Broe is a 2019 graduate from Bryant University located in Smithfield, Rhode Island with a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance. He was a Division I Student Athlete in Swim and Dive with the Bryant University Bulldogs and has volunteered with Swim across America and has been a Special Olympics Event Coordinator for a number of years as well. Charlie is currently employed at DataDog a leading monitoring organization in cloud applications as a Commercial Account Executive in Boston, Massachusetts.
I had the chance to sit down to talk Sports Talk: Swimming, time management and empathy with Charlie Broe and I am happy to share our conversation with you, Enjoy!
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